How Does Jesus Compare? To place Jesus alongside the spiritual sages is helpful because, in doing so, we can make clear that the most extraordinary people who have ever lived pale in comparison to the Lord, the Christ, the Savior, the Son of God.
Fine-Tuned India-Asia Collision Cools Earth for Human Habitation The India-Asia collision bears the hallmarks of perfect fine-tuning. It occurred at the right time and right velocity to ensure the formation of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. It also cooled the planet enough to make possible an ice age cycle.
Same-sex Marriage: An Inconceivable Union? "Love is love" and "love is enough" arguments don’t work, as marriage is not just about love. Marriage has multi-faceted features like anthropological, biological, and social aspects intrinsically tied to itself.
God Values Human Beings – Even the Tiniest Ones The Christian understanding of who we are as humans—even unborn humans—is intrinsically tied to who God is. Our confidence in the truth about God and who we are should motivate us to value all human life.
The Christian Response to Homosexuality - Part 3 If the person in question claims and strives to be a Christian disciple, a Christ follower, then the issue without attempting any semantic gymnastics is plainly - sexual sin! More importantly, if the person in question is not a Christian yet - the primary issue then is - salvation!
Secular vs Sacred Bias Our assumption is that our jobs don't yield much towards God's bigger plans. We assume that God sees us as less spiritual than the minister at church. We differentiate between a worship leader/preacher with a teacher or a software developer or a nurse or even a mother at home.
Mary's Christmas: A Consoling Tale of Perseverance Immanuel doesn't mean you with God - elevating humans to the luxury of proximity to deity - but rather God with us - God humbling Himself to the pauperism of unpopular, estranged humans. Immanuel, thereby, resonates with the 700 million in extreme poverty.